Wednesday, October 20, 2010

VERIZON and AT&T ??!

Verizon has announced that they are teaming up with AT&T to help sell the iPad. This team will start selling the iPad's together sometime early next year. To me this will be the greatest team up ever. I think that as soon as they team up I think that a lot of people will be interested in buying this product. The two major phone companies in the business will be selling the biggest thing in the technology world right now. I think that this will be the greatest thing in the technology world because the two teams that no one would ever think work together are now working and not competing against each other. The iPad will be BIG in the future if ALL of the phone companies sell this. Also if you got the iPad with a phone or buy the phone and get the iPad free then that would be awesome because that would mean more money for everyone who is selling it. My co-workers think that this would be bad for AT&T because then what if Verizon does a better job selling the product, then I say that it would be a great for the Apple Company because they are the ones who made the iPad. Also I think that this would be good for both companies because they will be competing against each other to try to sell the most iPad’s however while they are competing against each other they will be making more and more money from each of the iPad’s they sell.

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